30 days of eating from home · challenge · no food shopping challenge

Who wants to join me?

There are seven days left in May, including today. Quite a few of my friends have said “I should do a no shop challenge too”
So, if you’d like to, join me for a week. Set your own rules – you don’t have to use mine. Or do a different challenge, like finding seven things that have been lurking in the pantry and use those.
Whatever you choose, you’ll be surprised how much money you can save, and how much creative energy it creates.
Let me know what you’re doing in the comments section, and join me as I finish the last week of May in my (almost) no shop challenge.
So, what’s your challenge?

And while we’re at it, here’s a philosophical question for you. If you were doing a  no shop challenge, but allowing breakfast cereal, and your son’s favourite cereal came on big special, how many would you buy? One to be a hero in this month’s budget, or more, to help the overall budget?

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